Random New Year's Resolutions/Goals
I want to be more like the Pioneer Woman. Lofty goal, I know, but when I grow up I do want to be like her.
Get at least one pedicure this year. My feet are dryer than dry right now and would be eternally grateful.
Loose 10 er 15 pounds. This means more water and exercise and less sugar and sitting in front of the computer.
Look at life with the cup is half full thinking.
NEVER allow myself to have a uni-brow at anytime this year. Not such an easy feat...but it can be done.
Stop caring what other people think. I will NEVER please everyone and I cannot be everything to all people. Seems easy...but being the people pleaser I am...not so easy.
Smile more. Smiling is my favorite.
Laugh more. Healthy.
Remember to do small things for my husband...it is those small things that we forget to do the longer we are married.
More time listening to my kids...less time cleaning. I may need a maid on this one. Any volunteers??
Figure out how to grow out my nails...even if they spend 90% of the time in water doing some type of cleaning. Any suggestions??
I hope that you have a fantanstic New Year.
I will definitely join you on the pedicure... and the Pioneer Woman thing... and losting a few lbs... 2010 was bad on my scale... yay! Yay! Yay! Pray you walk in His Deep Love this year!! Me too!!!
yaya!! :D Maybe we can get a pedi together Tammie!
Thank you...Mike!
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