Two weeks later, five children, and one husband and this is only .1% of the tissues we have used up for all the mucus around here. I am the one left that did not join in on this sick spree. I hate sickness and disease. I do. Hate. Grrrr! If you want me to get me angry just try and tell me God gave it to us or to someone. :/
I also learned a great deal about Calvanism this week. I am most definitely NOT a Calvanist in any shape or form.
We are going to host a home group in our home! yay! We have one family coming to join us. T is looking forward to teaching and leading worship and I found an excellent curriculum for the kiddos. :D
Excited and totally feeling inadequate as we step out in these new beginnings. Whew. Excited for this weekend and some rest. So excited to see each of my kiddos and husband feeling more like themselves. God is good to us!
I also learned a great deal about Calvanism this week. I am most definitely NOT a Calvanist in any shape or form.
We are going to host a home group in our home! yay! We have one family coming to join us. T is looking forward to teaching and leading worship and I found an excellent curriculum for the kiddos. :D
Excited and totally feeling inadequate as we step out in these new beginnings. Whew. Excited for this weekend and some rest. So excited to see each of my kiddos and husband feeling more like themselves. God is good to us!
yes, calvinism is extreme.. so is arminianism... both go to the extreme... living in the delicate balance... is tricky but a wonderful place of grace. :-)
So many isms... I just want the Bible! T was telling me that the other day...why don't we just have Bibleism! :D I want to be like Jesus... I want understanding of the Old and New Covenants... I want all I do...either it be praying in tongues, healing the sick, praying, wife, mother, friend to be all done in the love of Christ working in me. I want God... that is what I want with all that is in me.
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