Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Holy Spirit

I was born again at the young age of 5 years old.  I suppose many would say that I didn't know what I was doing.  I disagree.  I remember thinking on Jesus way before that moment in my bedroom when I kneeled beside my bed and gave my life to my Lord.  My Grandmother spoke of Jesus a lot and when my world went strange and the grown ups were doing weird things...I know that I know that my Jesus was protecting me and loving me.  I remember telling someone that it was like I was in a protective bubble.

As time went on, I longed for more.  My mom said I did have difficulty with peer pressure and was very unsure and insecure of myself.  When I was 11, I found out about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking with other tongues.  I knew I wanted it.  I heard so much teaching on it and when I finally was prayed with I received it in a moment.  It changed my life and even my mother said she saw a changed in me.  I remember when my oldest son first started speaking in tongues...he would ask if we could mute the commercials so that he could spend the time in between speaking in tongues.  I love it!

The Holy Spirit is a huge part in my life.  I get frustrated that most churches put Him aside ...almost the third wheel.  Not here.  Healing, Tongues, gifts and the workings of the Holy Spirit are not a stranger in our home.  I don't want my kiddos surprised or critical about such things.  I remember last year...we went to a meeting and saw several people healed.  We came back to our church and rejoiced about it.   Someone in the church said...Good...because you are not going to see such things here.  *sigh*  My heart was grieved.

Last night...at school...we spent time praying together.  I could hear everyone praying in their prayer language...I saw people being ministered to with the Word...and I can say...my spirit got so giddy and happy!!  yes!!


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