Friday, December 31, 2010

Resolutions?? Or goals....

Today is New Year's Eve and it is a custom to make New Year's resolutions for the upcoming year.  I like to call them goals and try to be reasonable about my goals.  I think that the scripture about hope deferred making the heart sick it is really our own unrealistic goals OR we make goals apart from the will of God.  We make a goal...such as...I will be married and with child in three years OR I will go to school, get this job, and make a ton of monies by such and such a date or year, OR I will join this ministry and will be in this certain place in five years...and when all these things do not happen we cry and then blame God.  I don't think it is fair to God.  God never seems to put a timeline on things.  Through the Bible we see promises given to different ones by God but He never gives an exact date or year that these things would be accomplished.  I don't think God is in a rush...we are.  We want to see promises fulfilled now.   Abraham, Moses, the Israeli peoples waiting on the Messiah, Noah (100 years to build the ark)...  over and over we see examples of waiting.  God is really more concerned about our hearts and making us ready to actually receive and be able to handle these great promises. :D

My goal this year is to be a doer of the Word of God.  Do you remember the story about the man who built his house on the sand or one that built his house on the rock??  I remember singing the little ditty..."The wise man built his house upon the rock...lalala"  :D  We are taught the rock is Jesus.  Nope...that is not what the Bible says.  Matthew 7:24+26...So everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts upon them [obeying them] will be like a sensible (prudent, practical, wise) man who built his house upon the rock. 26And everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not do them will be like a stupid (foolish) man who built his house upon the sand.

It is all about DOING the Word of God!!  Listening to teaching is not doing.  Watching Christian dvds is not doing the Word of God.  Going to Bible College is not doing the Word of God.  Going to church is not doing the Word of God.  Reading your Bible is not doing.  These are all good...but I think we think if we spend an hour listening to a teaching that we feel we have done something.  That is not doing the Word of God.  Doing is when a time arises to do it.  Doing is when a time arises to walk in do it with no excuse.  Doing is when someone is in the hospital we don't wait on the pastor to go over...but we do it.  What have we been reading in our Bibles for??  The Light is not just to receive...but the Light is to walk in!  It demands a response...and a doing of what we hear.

I am a doer of the Word of God.  With Christ in me I can do what the Bible tells me to do.  :D



Let Love Grow said...

I JUST read that very passage yesterday ... I got the same thing... like i read the passage for the first time... and saw it differently. :-) Doers of the Word.

Melanie said...

Tammie...let us be a doer not a a hearer only!! :D
