Wednesday, April 15, 2009

IN control in an OUT of control circumstance

We just got back from a fun couple days camping @ Ft. Desoto, on the beach with the family. It is funny..but the last few days played out exactly opposite of how I had it pictured. I like to have things in order, and in control. I like to plan with lists. I am spontaneous at times..but find I am way more comfortable with a plan. :) I am sure it is dependent on the situation on how much control or planning I want or may need. Anyway...we went camping and huge gale force winds came ripping through the campsite accompanied by rain, and more rain and tornado warnings. I am sure that some would walk away thinking...what a bummer, failed, and even "lets not do that again" attitude. Nah! I was so tickled just to be with my kids and husband that being trapped in a trailer was fun and finding stuff to do like taking the kids to Starbucks and ordering a drink for all was an adventure and fun.

I am learning. In years past this probably would have bummed me out for a couple of days. It just didn't. I cannot control the weather ...but I can control my attitude.



Jen Price said...

GREAT perspective! I can so identify!

Pat Jenkins said...

ahh good post miss melanie.. i wonder how camping is in florida. don't you encounter BUGS that are as big as you?!!!... he he... i am glad you had fun....

MKHKKH said...

lemonade out of lemons! I am the same way and need lots of lists and planning. Unfortunately I over imagine it in my head and often end up out of sorts when reality doesn't meet my expectations. Hopefully I can grow in that area. :)
